World Aids Day

World AIDS Day

Though Africa accounts for only 10% of the world’s population, it has 64% of all infections worldwide – 24.5 million people. This is a real crisis:

2 million are children under the age of 15
6.2 million are young people aged 15-24 (78% are young women)
90% of the 12 million AIDS orphans worldwide live in Africa
2 million adults and children died of HIV in 2005
2.7 million adults and children were newly infected in 2005
1.3 million people are on life-saving treatment, an 8-fold increase since 2003
This accounts for only 17% of those that need treatment today.

The spread of HIV/AIDS is not confined to prostitutes, drug addicts or truck drivers. It is generalized within the population – everyone is infected, including teachers, government ministers and children. Food for the Hungry walks alongside children, families and communities in Africa to bring hope and healing to those afflicted and affected by HIV/AIDS.
You can make a real difference. Click here to learn what you can do to join Food for the Hungry as we bring the hope of Christ to Africa.

Please take the time to educate yourself about the aids epidemic in Africa.