Tagged: Five Addictions/Passions

I was recently tagged by Tegan to list 5 of my addictions/passions.


1.  Coffee.  I have to start my day with at least one cup of coffee.  You might not want to know me if I don’t get my morning coffee.  😉

2.  My Blackberry.  I actually used to think it was crazy that people were addicted to their blackberries.  Then Matt got me one and I am now ADDICTED.  I can facebook, email, or blog from wherever I am.

3.  Blogging.  Not necessarily the writing of my own blog, even though I do write more then I ever thought I would, but reading other peoples’ blogs is how I start my day (with the above cup of coffee).  Blogging has opened me up to a wonderful world online and I treasure the many friends I have met through blogging.

4.  Sleep.  This is one of my biggest addictions and the one I will probably miss the most come June 😉  I can function on 7 hours of sleep, no less, and really need between 8 and 9.  Yes I know I am in big trouble.

5.  Being outside.  I love being outside, doing almost anything outside (well July and August I don’t love it too much, but I miss it oh so much).  Being outside almost instantly cheers me up on my grumpiest of days.  Matt and I love to be outside together, we cannot wait to share this passion with the boys.


I am going to be lame and not tag anyone, but if you would like to do it please do, I would love to read about your passions.