New Adventure

I figured I didn’t have enough to do and needed a little more adventure in my life. 😉 It’s not a huge adventure and one I hope to find as a fun outlet.

I am starting a new blog for all the homemaking things (seriously could not think of a better word) I like to do. I want to keep this current blog more of a family blog, keep track of the boys as they grow, all the family adventures we do, and more personal stuff (again lack of a better word*). Sometimes you might see the same post on both blogs (if you choose to read both), but most of the time it will be different. I will be posting more recipes and crazy things I try over there. Please come and join my Homemaking Adventures!

I am using nicknames for the boys over there, but did decide to post pics. I went back and forth, but honestly I think pics often make the blog (plus seriously I have some cute boys!). I hope to keep some privacy for them and if some day they don’t want me to use their cute faces anymore I will stop.

*(Hoping more blogging will somehow improve my vocabulary and writing skills)