Last weekend we went to see my family in OKC. My grandparents had celebrated their 60th Anniversary and we were having a party to celebrate. Plus everyone needed to meet my little cuties!
The trip was a lot of fun but exhausting. The boys did not take to sleeping in pack and plays very well. The first plane ride wasn’t too bad, but the second one with overtired toddlers, was horrible. Funny story, as we were boarding the gate attendant says to Matt, “if they are screaming on the plane the flight attendants will come talk to you.” Matt’s response, “To do what kick us off the flight?”
Here are some of my favorite pictures. I put more here and here.
Punch and Cake, hmmm is that why Noah stayed up until midnight that night?Ez thought the ice cream was a little cold, Grandpa and I thought his face was hilarious! Ez to Hudson, "Give me that paci!"Ayden pulling all three toddlers around, up hill in the grass, impressiveEnjoying some quiet time with my GrandpaAyden entertained Ez for about 30 minutes by jumping in and splashing himNoah escaped mid-diaper change and boy is he getting fastTackled!
Hudson and Noah I just love this look. Showing Ez how to squirt his cousins Sometimes the fence needs a hug. The plane ride, lucky on the way out we got a whole row, not so lucky on the way back