Yes I am late again, we had another fun filled Friday morning with another refusal to take our entire nap. Jumping and playing the piano. Not an approved piano playing method. Building a tower with Grandpa, seconds before the collapse due to Ez's elbow. Sticking legos up Noah's shirt. Ez singing, Noah wonder why we won't let him out. Playing with Asher and Gabriella. Two sets of Ethiopian twins. 🙂 Ez Playing with Gabriella. Noah moving in. Current obsession, putting those bead necklaces in tupperware. Ez shaking his necklace. Cutie. 🙂 Ez. 🙂 Attack mom! (hard to see, but I am on my back and he is on my stomach) Ez decided he should try mom surfing, I should really work on a six pack. Yes it was Ez in the art easel. He was so hard to get out because he refused to squat back down, he wanted out the top! Noah and his sunglasses.