Gardening 2011

This spring has been a super busy gardening season for me. Usually I have my little backyard garden that I tinker with and get some food in return. This year I had two new opportunities that have kept me very busy. I kept meaning to blog about my garden projects with little updates, but I have been so worn out with all the gardening (and now all the preserving!) that I just haven’t gotten around to it.

First, I am part of the Master Gardeners Program through the U of A. While I don’t consider myself a master gardener, it is an amazing learning experience. In March we started setting up a display garden at the U of A agriculture center and it was a ton of hard labor. I loved it! Now it is all set up and we can experiment with different plantings, water amounts, and pest control. You can check it out here on our facebook page.

Second, I was given a patch at the community garden in exchange for volunteer work. This little garden spent most of June producing like crazy. I think I have harvested nearly 100 pounds of just tomatoes! I’ve been busy canning them. I am also getting zucchini, eggplant, corn, melons, cucumbers, onions and peppers.

It is really heating up here this week and that means gardening is finally slowing down. I have some melons left to ripen, and will continue to get eggplants, zucchini, and tomatoes (thankfully in smaller amounts now).