Color: red
Sport: Riding bikes
Animal: Cheetah
Food: Carrots
Book: Firefighter Rhino
Season: Winter
Restaurant: Cafe Lalibela (because it has injera)
Holiday: Christmas
Weather: Cold and Sunny
Cereal: Squares (Cinnamon Toast)
TV Shows: Lego Ninjago
Movie: Incredibles
Candy: Candy Cane
Subject: Learning to write
Toy: Firetruck Lego
Thing to do: Go to Gamma and Papa’s house
Place have been: Arizona, Colorado, California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia
Place to be: Gamma and Papa’s house
Place I want to go: Oklahoma
Person: Gamma, Papa, Mommy, and Daddy
Hero: Batman
Time of Day: Evening
Song: The ninja song on the beginning of ninjago
Drink: Hot Cocoa
Treat: Candy Canes
Vacation: Colorado, Nana and Papa’s House