Making Injera

Cute little injera

Tomorrow is our Family Day and I am making Ethiopian food for the first time (hope it turns out!). I am looking forward to adding Ethiopian food to our meal rotation, we all love it, plus it is easy to make vegetarian or vegan.

Tonight we made the injera (a spongy bread made from teff that you eat the food with). Injera is actually a couple day process because it has to ferment, mmmm fermented bread, tasty.

Here it is fermenting, lovely no?

I started the process Saturday morning and didn’t have to do anything else until today. A few of the instructions in the cookbook I have were a little iffy, but I kept going.

All done fermenting ready to cook! (I think)

Matt helped me cook it because he is the better pancake cooker of us.

It's not pretty, but it will do

The injera turned out for the most part.  It is definitely the right consistency and texture.  It is a little tangier than what we are used to, don’t know if it is the type of teff we used or the fact that the restaurant we frequent also mixes in wheat.

Cooking with a smile

I am sorry I waited so long to finally try.  It really wasn’t all that bad.  No it isn’t as good as in Ethiopia or at the restaurant, but it is edible and great for our first try.

OKC Trip 2010

My Grandparents, John and Kay

Last weekend we went to see my family in OKC. My grandparents had celebrated their 60th Anniversary and we were having a party to celebrate. Plus everyone needed to meet my little cuties!

The trip was a lot of fun but exhausting. The boys did not take to sleeping in pack and plays very well. The first plane ride wasn’t too bad, but the second one with overtired toddlers, was horrible. Funny story, as we were boarding the gate attendant says to Matt, “if they are screaming on the plane the flight attendants will come talk to you.” Matt’s response, “To do what kick us off the flight?”

Here are some of my favorite pictures. I put more here and here.

Punch and Cake, hmmm is that why Noah stayed up until midnight that night?
Ez thought the ice cream was a little cold, Grandpa and I thought his face was hilarious!
Ez to Hudson, "Give me that paci!"
Ayden pulling all three toddlers around, up hill in the grass, impressive
Enjoying some quiet time with my Grandpa
Ayden entertained Ez for about 30 minutes by jumping in and splashing him
Noah escaped mid-diaper change and boy is he getting fast

Hudson and Noah

I just love this look.

Showing Ez how to squirt his cousins

Sometimes the fence needs a hug.

The plane ride, lucky on the way out we got a whole row, not so lucky on the way back

Photo Friday – 06.04.2010

Pool time! (sadly we have to put the pool in the shade or it would quickly become a hot tub, makes for not so great photos)


Ez wearing a headband as a necklace and enjoying the pool

Sitting still for a second!

Ready to slide.

Noah made it a water slide for him

Mom the zucchini is taking over the yard!

Blowing bubbles in the hose (not actually drinking it)

Zucchini, Zucchini, Zucchini

Summer gardening season is upon us and if you planted zucchini you will more than likely have more than you know what to do with. Recently another gardener gave me about six pounds of zucchini and I’ve been working my way through it. I thought I would share a couple of recipes we really liked.

Black Bean Zucchini Quesadillas I didn’t have green onions or jalapeno so I made a couple of changes. First, I sautéed half a yellow onion with a clove of garlic (I could have used the whole onion). Second, I put in some cumin and cayenne pepper. Other than that I made it as is. It made more than enough for our family, so I froze the rest. I reheated one today for my lunch in the toaster oven and it came out great. 🙂

Lemon Zucchini Bread There is a bounty of zucchini bread recipes. I chose this one because it used less sugar than zucchini, a lot of them used more. I made a couple changes to this one too. First, I used half whole wheat/half bread flour. I only used the bread flour because I have a ton of it, I would normally just use all purpose. Second, I used half brown sugar/half white. Third, replaced the vegetable oil with applesauce. I also doubled it and made muffins too, the boys loved it.

Photo Friday – 05.28.2010

Playing nice with the kitty (who would later wake them up from nap and the rest of the day was shot)

My half dressed silly boys (we were getting dressed but they needed breakfast now!)

No I did not eat sand again

I see this view a lot


Being silly

Mom! I have toilet paper.

and I am going to eat it.

Red Tent Project

“So ladies….think about the last time you were on your period. Which newspaper did you use as a tampon? Did you dig through your garage or trash to find a rag to use as a pad?” – Jill C.

A wonderful online friend, Angie, has started a new project to provide reusable sanitary pads for girls in Ethiopia. She is starting with girls at her agency’s transition home first, 30 girls, and would like to send them June 15 with a traveling family. After that she wants to work with her agencies sponsorship program and provide them to even more girls. You can read all about it here and here.

If you are interested in the info please email me.

First D-Backs Game


For Grandma’s Birthday we decided to give her a d-backs game with the boys. The boys had a lot of fun and we hardly saw any baseball. Ezra sat and watched the big screen, clapped, and danced with Grandma and Daddy. Noah on the other hand wanted to run.

IMG_7607 Running and dragging Grandpa along with him.

IMG_7606 We went up to the Sandlot, he ran around screaming (happily) and then kept trying to escape.

We then went back to our seats so we could have some dinner. We all ate like pigs and had way too many calories. We even let the boys try some of our lemonade.



Here’s me and Ez, he is staring at the big screen.

Looking for an escape.


Grandpa and Ez.


Noah having fun with the seat, just ignore me.


Grandma and Ez.


Garden Update – 05.22.2010

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted about my little garden. Things are really starting to take off and we should starting getting some veggies here soon. Everything is starting to bloom, so hopefully I get a few more worker bees out there. I would like to fertilize the tomatoes, but since I use natural (fish emulsion and liquid seaweed), I am hesitant. The last time I used some we had a coyote in the backyard!


Cucumbers and some flowers

Noah checking on a couple of tomato plants

Squash, tomatoes, and a couple of surprises (I have no idea, seriously!)


Bell Pepper

Sweet Potatoes, just for Ez 🙂

Green Bean Teepee, can't wait to see how it turns out

Weeds! Just kidding, little boys that are growing like weeds.

My pomegranate tree is loaded this year!

Photo Friday – 05.21.2010

Popcorn deserves a cheer

Playing with frozen veggies is way better than eating cooked veggies

Do you like my hat?

Noah's new obsession, putting rocks places

Rocks in the dog water bowl

Rocks in my weeding bucket

Don't bug me I'm reading

He looks so grown up to me in this picture. 🙁

Noah relaxing, Ez climbing

Cheese on my nose


Cleaning up

18 month check-up

The boys had their 18 month check-up yesterday. It was not a fun appointment. We had a blood draw, one vaccination (MMR), and a TB test. Ezra was stuck with three needles, Noah five (just couldn’t keep him still). Luckily for me daddy did the holding and I took the other baby for walks. The doctor thinks they look great and said we are doing something right. 😉

Noah is 33 inches (70th percentile) and 26 pounds (50th percentile). He gained about 1.5 pounds and 2 inches since his 15 month check-up.

Ezra is 31.5 inches (25th percentile, how does 1.5 inches make such a difference?) and 26 pounds (50th percentile). He gained 2 pounds and 1.5 inches since his 15 month check-up.

In their 18 month update I forgot a couple of things. They can both say Thank You and Baby. They also give high fives and blow kisses. The biggest NEW thing, wait for it, SLEEPING through the night! (hopefully I haven’t jinxed us by mentioning it to the world)

Totrags Contest!

Win a $75 Gift Certificate!

Totrags is having another contest. They are giving away three $75 gift certificates. The products are great, and $1 from every single item goes to cancer research.