Please don’t tell me it’s been another month already! I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. I couldn’t resist the photo above. Look at those teeny, tiny babies in my lap! They are such big boys now.
Ezra has 6 teeth now and Noah has 4 with numbers 5 and 6 about to poke through. Plus I think they are both working on their one year molars.
We spend our days playing outside, eating, eating, and more eating. They love snacking on fruit, graham crackers, cheerios, and dried fruit. They aren’t always so thrilled with what I cook for dinner, but when its compatible I can add spaghetti sauce and they will eat it.
We officially are done with day-time bottles! They still get a bottle if they wake up in the middle of the night. They slept through the night 3 times last week!
Noah said thank you for a whole week and it was adorable, then he stopped. I am sure it’s still in there, he’s just busy learning something else. We still mostly hear dada, mama, kitty, and hi/hey from both of them.

Playing in Grandpa’s tent (this was my dad’s tent from when he was a little boy)

Playing outside is still our absolute favorite.

Climbing is really starting to pick up.

Noah cooking his momma something.