almost a miracle

Yes, almost a miracle! Matt is down to 19 t-shirts. Yep. he cleaned out the closet. Some people at a garage sale / goodwill are going to have some sweet shirts.

Some may say 19 is normal. You may need some history on matts shirt collections.
the guessing game
the final count on how many T-shirts matt owned last year

So as you see, 19 is way down from 83. Thats not even factoring in how many were acquired over the 2009 year.

19 still doesn’t count dress shirts, polos, bike jerseys or misc other items.


Babywearing is a great way to attach with your child and is emphasized with adoption. It is also very convenient when you have a teething baby who just wants held. With the recent warnings and recalls regarding slings, I feel some new mothers might not wear their babies out of fear. When done correctly and in a proper sling, it is safe and is a great bonding experience. The slings that are not safe are being recalled.

Please see this babywearing safety article for more information.

Photo Friday – 03.19.2010

Ez doesn't quite get how his bubble machine works

More rice
Checking out the construction behind the house
Looking so cute in shorts!
All green for St. Paddy's
Climbed up on his chair while I was vacuuming
Tunnel Fun
Trying to go opposite directions
Whose in the tunnel?

Just Add Water

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous, 83° and sunny. The boys have an extreme fascination with water, so I set up a little homemade water table with stuff we had in the backyard. They had a blast!


Lost Videos

Yesterday I was digging through my iphoto looking for a particular picture and I was all the way back in the middle of 2008 when I found video of the boys. Yep before they were born. The camera had date coded the videos wrong and I had forgotten all about them. They are a few short clips of some wobbly, barely 8 month old boys. I was happy to find them.

SDV 0043 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

SDV 0041 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

SDV 0038 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

SDV 0039 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

SDV 0042 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

16 months

Please don’t tell me it’s been another month already! I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. I couldn’t resist the photo above. Look at those teeny, tiny babies in my lap! They are such big boys now.

Ezra has 6 teeth now and Noah has 4 with numbers 5 and 6 about to poke through. Plus I think they are both working on their one year molars.

We spend our days playing outside, eating, eating, and more eating.  They love snacking on fruit, graham crackers, cheerios, and dried fruit.  They aren’t always so thrilled with what I cook for dinner, but when its compatible I can add spaghetti sauce and they will eat it.

We officially are done with day-time bottles!  They still get a bottle if they wake up in the middle of the night.  They slept through the night 3 times last week!

Noah said thank you for a whole week and it was adorable, then he stopped.  I am sure it’s still in there, he’s just busy learning something else.  We still mostly hear dada, mama, kitty, and hi/hey from both of them.

Playing in Grandpa’s tent (this was my dad’s tent from when he was a little boy)

Playing outside is still our absolute favorite.

Climbing is really starting to pick up.

Noah cooking his momma something.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

We took the boys to their first parade this morning and they had a ton of fun.  They loved the drums, thankfully there were plenty between marching bands and pipe and drum brigades.  The dogs were a lot of fun too.

The fam
First Suckers
Noah hanging with dad
Grandpa playing the pipes
Hanging with Grandpa
Ez trying to join the parade, again
Ez got to pet several dogs
Noah and mom
Ez drumming
Retrieving Ez again
Chilling with Grandma

Photo Friday – 03.12.2010


Playing with Abby

Sometimes you need two sippies


Telling Jackson about their glasses (he’s thrilled)

Fish Face

Tippy Toes, must see what’s up there

Trouble running right towards you

My silly guys

Look up


Ez had a rough day yesterday, poor guy, lots of tears