Matt and I have been very busy making sure everything is in order for our trip. Can you believe we leave this Saturday? It is coming up quick! We have been busy getting a few projects done around the house and making sure the business will run smoothly while we are away. I think we are doing pretty well, our to-do list is getting shorter even with a few glitches thrown in last week.
So what have we been up to?
Paperwork, I know you think you are done with it but there is always something else.
Laundry, all the boys stuff is washed. The cloth diapers are ready to go!
Yard work, we didn’t want to have much to do after we return home, so we have been busy making sure the weeds are pulled and the shrubs trimmed.
Matt has also steamed cleaned all the carpets in the bedrooms. To me this was necessary as our animals seem to barf a lot.
Making baby food. This last weekend we made a trip to the farmer’s market so I could by some local, organic produce to make baby food. I didn’t buy too much as I didn’t want to overwhelm myself the week before we left. I wish I would have bought more! It was so easy.

mmmmm sweet potatoes

and peaches!
Both foods I love, so hopefully the boys will love them. (These are seriously the best peaches I have ever had. I wish I would have bought more!) I cooked the sweet potatoes in the solar oven and they were perfect and the peaches didn’t need to be cooked.
We also attempted to put the car-seats in the car last night for the first time. I think we got it. We didn’t install them and leave them though because my parents have to use their car to pick us up from the airport (so we all fit) and the seats will need to be installed in it.
What do we have left?
Steam clean the living room carpet.
Some accounting stuff for the business.
Finish adding the boys to the health insurance. (waiting on a letter)
Clean the house.
Run a few last errands.
Not too bad if you ask me. I think it is totally doable. I have some other things I would like to do before we leave, but they aren’t necessary.
We are both excited and anxious for our trip and cannot wait to meet the boys. 🙂