1st Baby Shower

Matt and I had our first baby shower yesterday. (I am a lucky girl and get to have two. 🙂 Matt gets to babysit for my second one, oh no he might actually have to change a diaper, Eric you’ll have to help him with that.)  The one yesterday was thrown by our church. We did take our camera, but didn’t really get any good pics, except of the cake (Matt did manage to get two bad profile shots of me, thanks honey!). Lesson: if you want pictures of your shower hand your camera off to someone!  The boys did receive some lovely gifts.  Everyone was excited to see their pictures and ask lots of questions.  We had a very nice time and are very grateful that everyone already loves our boys so much.

The Cake

Memory books and Frames

Sippies, bottles, dinnerware


Snugglies and onesies

Diapering accessories and pacifiers   

Bath accessories

Good Day :)

I received two messages today regarding the boys. 🙂 One from our agency informing us that Ezra has a follow-up appointment with the surgeon on Saturday and that they hope to get us more information after the appointment. The second one from a traveling family. Misty and Dan just got back from Ethiopia with their little guy and sent me this message. (I am only a little sad that I didn’t know the boys were going to be moved to the HOH in time for their visit so no photos.)

Hey Stephanie,
We got to see your babies. Soooo beautiful! I’m sure that it has been hard on you to be so far away knowing that Ezra was going through so much. I just wanted to let you know that they are both in great hands. All of the nannies and Almaz and Tsegay love the children SOOOO much. They were both up in the middle of the night several times and back and forth to the hospital taking care of him. They assured us that he is doing just fine now. I am so excited for you guys to get to go meet them and bring them home. But until you do, know that they are sooo soooo loved at House of Hope.
Hope the time passes quickly for you!

It was so nice to get a message from another parent. It really made my day. 🙂

Today is also my mom’s birthday. Happy Birthday mom! Hope you have a wonderful day. Just think this time next year you get to chase three toddlers around for your birthday.


is out of the hospital and back at the House of Hope with his brother!!!

Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support. You made a difficult time much more bearable.

One Year Six Months

Today marks one year six months since we started the journey to adopt our two precious children. We are beyond excited that this journey is almost over and cannot wait to meet our adorable twin boys.

This weekend was by far the hardest for me, Matt did fine, but I was worried, yes even after we got the news Ezra made it through surgery just fine. It was so hard being so far away and knowing Ezra was in the hospital. 🙁 I did not like it at all. I know he is in good hands and I am doing much better with it today. I tried some retail therapy over the weekend, but all I bought were outfits for the boys, and it made me miss them more.

Then another mom at church who has 15 month old twin boys gave me some hand me down twin items. 🙂

I’ll be honest here and tell you about the top outfits. I pull them out of the bag and hear Matt laughing and was super confused and I am sure looking quite puzzled, all I could say was I don’t get it. Yep, Matt had to explain it said SNAP!

Carter testing out the pack and play

Update on Ezra

Ezra’s surgery went well and he is currently charming everyone at the hospital. He had a tear in his diaphragm which allowed his intestine to move. He is all sewn up now and will stay the night at the hospital and should be back with his brother tomorrow. He woke up from his anaesthesia giggling! Please keep him in your prayers for quick healing.

I must say I love Tsegay! He stayed with our little guy almost all day at the hospital. I also love the doctor, he came in on his day off to do the surgery. I am confident our little boy is in great hands.

Thanks so much for everyones’ support yesterday. We really appreciate it.

Please pray

Please keep baby Ezra in your prayers. He will be having surgery tomorrow in Addis Ababa (tonight our time). He has a dislocated intestine. Please keep him and the surgery team in your prayers.

New Court Date

We received word that our court date was moved up to May 8, 2009. We do not know when our Embassy appointment is yet. It could still be the first week of June, but may move to the second week. I am excited that our court date moved up, even if it is only four days.

Wear a helmet

One of my biggest frustrations is seeing cyclist not wearing helmets, or wearing them while unfastened, or my favorite hooked on the handlebars. Helmets are not that expensive, easy to use, and not that hot. My helmet doesn’t actually mess up my hair all that much and is really no bother at all. But I was not all that surprised when Matt sent me this article today. The article states that more than half of cyclist don’t wear helmets. When you know the facts I just cannot see how you cannot wear a helmet or make your children wear a helmet.

The risks of cycling without a helmet are even higher — the group cited the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety as saying 92 percent of bicyclists killed in 2007 were not wearing helmets. Helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent.

Matt has actually broken a helmet while riding. Thank goodness he was wearing it or a severe head injury was likely. (By the way if you crack your helmet you do have to replace it.)

To sum it up WEAR A HELMET!

2 months and a sweet note

2 more months until our court date!  Time is flying by.  I guess I should start figuring out travel plans sometime soon.


The note on the white board in the kitchen that counts down the days, I love changing it every morning.  Those are the names we have given the boys in the note.


This morning my amazing husband left this sweet note in a place he knew I would have to go to first thing.

Yep on my coffee cup.  Isn’t he the cutest?

Tagged: Five Addictions/Passions

I was recently tagged by Tegan to list 5 of my addictions/passions.


1.  Coffee.  I have to start my day with at least one cup of coffee.  You might not want to know me if I don’t get my morning coffee.  😉

2.  My Blackberry.  I actually used to think it was crazy that people were addicted to their blackberries.  Then Matt got me one and I am now ADDICTED.  I can facebook, email, or blog from wherever I am.

3.  Blogging.  Not necessarily the writing of my own blog, even though I do write more then I ever thought I would, but reading other peoples’ blogs is how I start my day (with the above cup of coffee).  Blogging has opened me up to a wonderful world online and I treasure the many friends I have met through blogging.

4.  Sleep.  This is one of my biggest addictions and the one I will probably miss the most come June 😉  I can function on 7 hours of sleep, no less, and really need between 8 and 9.  Yes I know I am in big trouble.

5.  Being outside.  I love being outside, doing almost anything outside (well July and August I don’t love it too much, but I miss it oh so much).  Being outside almost instantly cheers me up on my grumpiest of days.  Matt and I love to be outside together, we cannot wait to share this passion with the boys.


I am going to be lame and not tag anyone, but if you would like to do it please do, I would love to read about your passions.

Court Date!!!

I am seriously laughing at myself right now, less than an hour after my last post we received our court date.

The big day is May 12, 2009!  With an anticipated visa appointment for June 5, 2009 (my parents’ anniversary 🙂 )  We would actually arrive in Ethiopia on June 1 (our anniversary 🙂 )  I am so happy and relieved right now.  Please keep our big day in your prayers and that everything goes smoothly.


As many in the adoption world know you hurry and get stuff done, just so you can wait, this happens over and over in the process.  You would think a person would just get used to this cycle and deal with it, but it is oh so hard.  Each wait is different, some are longer, some are for just a piece of paper, but they are all hard.  The wait for a court date is no exception.  I am currently driving myself crazy with all the possibilities.  I am hoping getting my feeling out of my head will help, sharing them with my adoption buddies that have gone through this, are going through this, or will be going through it.

It used to be expected that you would travel in about two or three months after referral, you usually received your court date shortly after referral and it was about six to eight weeks after referral.  The popularity of the program, plus a judge’s maternity leave have changed this part of the process.  Of course, anyone who is or has adopted internationally would tell you just to expect and accept change.  The problem is change isn’t always easy to accept.  The court dates are currently being scheduled anywhere from three months to about four and half months after referral, most people are learning their court dates about a month after referral.  If current trends stay the same that puts us with a court date at the end of May beginning of June, which for the most part doesn’t bother me, I can wait to June to meet my boys.  The thing I am struggling with is court isn’t always passed the first time and I am afraid that would put a second court date dangerously close to rainy season (for those of you not familiar with Ethiopian adoption, the courts close end of July/beginning of August to sometime around October for the big rains).  I don’t like the thought of cutting it so close.  It really scares me.

Okay now for those of you thinking I am just a pessimist and need to be optimistic, I have lots of optimistic thoughts too.  (I really am driving myself crazy.)  The rumors started last week that the judge on maternity leave was back!  This got me thinking and dreaming of meeting my boys even sooner.  Would court dates start being scheduled faster and passing sooner?  What does that mean for us?  What does that mean for the families who already have court dates?  Would it expected time of travel be closer to the original two to three months instead of four or sometimes five?

I think my nerves and thoughts would calm down considerably if we just found out our date.  I think I would be more patient.  I feel guilty for being so impatient during this stage of the process, after all, I get to stare at my sweet babies faces whenever I want.  I might not get to hold them, but I know they are being well cared for, just knowing who they are really is amazing.

In the meantime, I love seeing others’ waits finally coming to an end.  Two families from our agency passed court last week both on their second tries.  I have followed both of their stories from the beginning or very near the beginning.  Congratulations to Misty and Dan, and Rachel and Sean (twin baby boys!!!)!


Christine over at TotRags made the boys some wonderful bibs as a gift.  I love that she upcycles and salvages fabric.  🙂 


They also make a good kitty cape!


Thanks so much Christine!  We love them!

Spring Time

I know for a lot of you spring is still a few weeks off, so I thought I would share our spring with you.  🙂


Interesting bugs are starting to show up.  This one is the whole reason I even got the camera out, I had never seen one like it before.


My cactus is in bloom, pretty pink flowers!


Taffi enjoying the lovely afternoon

Swiss Chard and Kale


Peach tree is in bloom


She is actually trying to pick her own snow pea in this shot, the dogs are addicted!

This is a big no, no!  


Carter decided he needed to hang with us, so he let himself out

The dogs and I had a great time enjoying our spring weather this afternoon.  I think we all have a touch of spring fever now and will be spending a ton of time outside.