I am going to start off this post by saying I am the luckiest woman alive. When we first came home we took turns getting up with the boys for night feedings, but I was increasingly having difficulty falling back asleep after my turn, so Matt took over ALL night feedings. Seriously lucky girl! The other night I got up and start to feed Ezra and Matt noticed I had done this, came into the nursery and said, “What are you doing go back to bed.” I know I am lucky and my husband is AMAZING. Sorry I just had to brag and properly thank my husband before I got to the purpose of this post. Thank you honey for being the most amazing and wonderful husband and daddy!
Noah has slept through the night on a few occasions, I think he would sleep through the night almost every night if Ezra didn’t wake him up. Ezra’s crying doesn’t always wake him up, but sometimes it does. Ezra wakes up every night for a feeding without fail. We are considering night weaning in the 10th month by slowly watering down the formula. I go back and forth on this because he is obviously hungry, but then I think if Noah can do it so can he. I know every baby is different, but I still wonder. He is getting plenty to eat during the day, if you can’t tell by his pictures, he is nice and round.
Anyway my question is to all the experienced parents out there. Did you night wean or let it happen naturally? If you night weaned at what age? Do you have any regrets about night weaning?
I would love to hear from everyone. I am just gathering data so we can make an informed decision! We love hearing from experienced parents.