Ez doesn't quite get how his bubble machine works

Yesterday I was digging through my iphoto looking for a particular picture and I was all the way back in the middle of 2008 when I found video of the boys. Yep before they were born. The camera had date coded the videos wrong and I had forgotten all about them. They are a few short clips of some wobbly, barely 8 month old boys. I was happy to find them.
SDV 0043 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
SDV 0041 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
SDV 0038 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
SDV 0039 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
SDV 0042 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Please don’t tell me it’s been another month already! I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. I couldn’t resist the photo above. Look at those teeny, tiny babies in my lap! They are such big boys now.
Ezra has 6 teeth now and Noah has 4 with numbers 5 and 6 about to poke through. Plus I think they are both working on their one year molars.
We spend our days playing outside, eating, eating, and more eating. They love snacking on fruit, graham crackers, cheerios, and dried fruit. They aren’t always so thrilled with what I cook for dinner, but when its compatible I can add spaghetti sauce and they will eat it.
We officially are done with day-time bottles! They still get a bottle if they wake up in the middle of the night. They slept through the night 3 times last week!
Noah said thank you for a whole week and it was adorable, then he stopped. I am sure it’s still in there, he’s just busy learning something else. We still mostly hear dada, mama, kitty, and hi/hey from both of them.
Playing in Grandpa’s tent (this was my dad’s tent from when he was a little boy)
Playing outside is still our absolute favorite.
Climbing is really starting to pick up.
Noah cooking his momma something.
We took the boys to their first parade this morning and they had a ton of fun. They loved the drums, thankfully there were plenty between marching bands and pipe and drum brigades. The dogs were a lot of fun too.
The fam
First Suckers
Noah hanging with dad
Grandpa playing the pipes
Hanging with Grandpa
Ez trying to join the parade, again
Ez got to pet several dogs
Noah and mom
Ez drumming
Retrieving Ez again
Chilling with Grandma
Ezra loves music. He loves hearing it, dancing to it, and playing it. He loves all the toy musical instruments we have and he really loves the piano. Here’s a couple of videos of him playing.
MVI 6589 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
MVI 6590 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Tonight after dinner we took the boys with us to go vote. They charmed all the poll workers and ran around the church like crazy. (It was pretty empty, sadly another low turnout.) The boys had a great time at their first voting adventure.
We didn’t take a camera with us, so we tried to take a few pictures of their “I voted” stickers when we got home. As you can see they were not so happily cooperating.
The boys love to vacuum. Here’s a little clip of the fun:
Vacuuming from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Yes that is Noah playing in front of the vacuum and screeching with delight, so hard to believe just a couple of months ago he was terrified of the vacuum.
Daddy wrestles with the boys before bed to get them good and worn out and, of course, they love it.
Bedtime Fun from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
If there is one thing worse than a rainy Sunday, its a rainy Monday. Mondays are the hardest day of the week for me, simply because I am spoiled over the weekend with all the extra help. This morning it was rainy and wet outside, so we stayed inside, because we live in Arizona and we don’t know what do to in the rain and we don’t own any rain gear. The boys decided they would work in the kitchen this morning and this is what it looked like just before nap:
Sorry it’s blurry I didn’t realize Matt had used a setting on the camera that I am clearly not ready to use. I could not walk in the kitchen with out tripping over something, toddlers, toys, pots, bowls, tupperware. The floor is now clear and the sun is starting to break through the clouds, we might just get to play outside this afternoon.
This afternoon was rainy and the boys woke up from nap cranky. We needed something different to entertain them. We decided to set up their giraffe tent. We all had a great time and a lot of laughs. The best part, we ended up with two exhausted, happy boys at bed-time.
Today the boys had their first flag football game. Our church was having a game for moms and sons and Matt was volunteering and well I am a mom with sons, so we went and had fun. We went out for pizza afterward, which the boys loved.