Photo Friday – 01.29.2010
Wordless Wednesday – 01.27.2010
Mailbox Monster
The boys are their daddy have a game called Mailbox Monster. Mailbox Monster brings about tons of giggles. We keep trying to catch the giggles on video but it is very difficult, because as soon as the camera comes out they want the camera! Here is our best attempt at catching the game and all its giggles:
MVI 5911 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Photo Friday – 01.21.2010

Wordless Wednesday – 01.20.2010
Photo Friday – 01.15.2010
14 months!
14 months actually marks a big moment for us. The boys have now officially been with us longer than without. 🙂
I am noticing I have not been taking as many pictures of them, I think it is due to the fact that I can no longer leave the camera in easy to grab places. The boys are really into exploring the house right now and find all sorts of stuff to get into.
They both mastered the art of the snack cup this past month and are now a little obsessed.

Ezra is practically running now and hardly ever crawls anymore. Noah is working on learning to walk, he does great with your hands or a push toy, but isn’t willing to try balancing yet. He can do it though, he took a couple of steps the other day, but then he was mad about it!
Clapping and peek-a-boo are still two of our favorite activities. They also love books. The joy of unloading kitchen cabinets was discovered this last month and my kitchen floor is a disaster each and ever day, but at least they let me cook or wash dishes while they make the mess.

No new teeth this month. I suspect Ez might be working on his molars though, somedays he is really chewing on his finger in that area. He is not a happy teether. If Noah is working on any new teeth, we have no clue, he doesn’t let us know like his brother.

They really love to make noise, when they are awake there is no silence. They make all sorts of noises with their mouths, they bang on everything, and they like to drop things on the tile to see how it sounds.

They do almost everything together, but they are complete opposites. Noah is much more contemplative and Ezra is all action. Ezra thinks everything is hilarious, but with Noah you have to earn your giggles.
We have a ton of fun together and the action almost never stops, and we don’t want it any other way.
Photo Friday – 01.08.09
New Year, New Do’s
The boys hair was all sorts of out of control, growing every which way, and several different lengths. On New Year’s Eve we decided to take them for their first haircuts. It went fairly well, we went to CNC Barbershop and Cedric was super nice and did a great job with the boys. Ez’s hair is shorter than I wanted but it was the only way he could even it out (on the plus side Noah can’t pull it anymore). Noah’s turned out great and is easier to comb out.

Photo Friday – New Years edition – 01.01.2010

Messy Child Contest Finalist!
Christmas Day in Pictures
Santa came to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, Ezra, Noah, and Abby were very good babies this year.
Noah is there something on your back?
Which one should I open next?
Wrapping paper!
Taking time to read the card.
Poor boy just wanted to play the piano.
Checking out his see and say with Grandma
Ez was done with his shirt
Abby sitting in her new chair like a proper lady
I think we better feed this baby he is eating his arm!
Wahoo! We made it to the top.
Christmas Eve in Pictures
Daddy putting together their kitchen from Nana and Papa
Noah and his wrench
Ezra watching the action
Checking out the new kitchen (after nap before church)
Getting ready to have dinner with Grandpa and Grandma
A Christmas Eve Tradition, Paper Crowns. (sorry Noah destroyed his very quickly)
Noah discovered the stairs and took off up them as soon as we tried to change him!
What is this blocking the stairs?
Mmmm pumpkin pie!