Noah and Ezra (along with mom and dad) played baby Jesus this year in our church‘s Living Nativity. Poor Ez was a little fussy, but Noah loved it, the lights, animals, and music were a lot of fun. Ezra as baby Jesus Noah confused by what mom and dad were wearing The whole scene with a clapping baby Jesus In hindsight, Mary and Joseph shouldn’t have dressed Jesus in such cute pjs, something more plain would have been better, but they are silly first time parents and thought they could keep a 13 month old swaddled.
The donkey having a little mid-show snack
Cousin Abby was there to keep the understudy company.
The boys turned 13 months on Monday and I still cannot believe how fast they are growing. I am finding it impossible to get a photo of them both looking at the camera at the same time. They are very active and really a lot of fun.
They are both crawling everywhere now and are getting very fast. Ezra started walking and is doing it more and more. I find it fun that they are both mobile now, everyone seems to think it would be more trouble, but I am finding it easier. Noah is so much happier now that he can also crawl and get into stuff, no more throwing fits when Ezra goes off and leaves him! Yep most days my house looks like some miniature tornadoes have been at work, but they are both happy so I am happy. 🙂
Noah has his front two bottom teeth now. He loves to say momma especially with his growling voice. He loves books, legos, and door stoppers.
He still loves to play peek-a-boo and clap. He also loves to make the cutest fish face which I still haven’t caught on camera.
Ezra has all four front teeth, two of them are most the way in the other two are just breaking through. I am hoping he gets a break from teething for Christmas. He loves things with wheels, books, and door stoppers (of course).
He loves to play his own version of peek-a-boo and claps all the time, especially when he is supposed to be asleep.
They stopped sleeping through the night and need bottles sometime between 3:30 and 6 am. Meal time is becoming very interesting at our house, they are wanting to feed themselves more and more and don’t want us to feed them. Foods they love: enchiladas, spaghetti, pizza, corn bread, stuffing, cranberry sauce, apple sauce, bananas and oatmeal, graham crackers, and craisins. Ezra loves apples. Noah loves cheese.
This stage is a lot of fun and we are really enjoying it.
Two little cuties playing the piano.
Do you like my hat?
Daddy’s little helper (if only he knew he was helping install cabinet locks)
Three babies eating blueberry pancakes (please ignored my seriously cluttered counter behind them)
Pancakes are my favorite!
You eat these?
I prefer apples!
Ezra has been working on his walking more and more. We have been trying to catch it on video, but he would see the camera and drop down on all four to crawl to the camera as fast as possible. I finally caught him on video this morning!
6 months ago today we had this moment:
It was the day we became a family!
Look how tiny they were! I cannot believe how much they have changed in the last 6 months. They couldn’t even sit up and now they are crawling everywhere and Ez is on the verge of walking!
What a wonderful blessing the last six months have been! Happy half anniversary Noah and Ezra!
Today was re-adoption day which is the domestication of a foreign adoption. What does that mean? That the boys are now legally Noah and Ezra and we will be getting AZ birth certificates for them.
Us and the Judge, he was super nice and Noah really liked him
Ez and mom
Ez and dad
Noah making more friends, he was very happy to meet people today
Noah and his favorite lady, Grandma
The boys having some fun with a glass door
Playing with Uncle Jason
Auntie Michelle’s arms are full
Love that smile!
Love this one too!
Getting a back massage
Scalp and back massage at the same time.
Noah was walking with dad and Ez just had to join in.