The Piano

Teeny tiny babies playing with dad

Big boys playing with dad

Ezra has become increasingly obsessed with playing the piano. To the point today where he was standing at the piano crying. So I sat with him and Noah a bit to play. Then Noah was done and I desperately need to stuff diapers, so they could have clean ones to wear, but Ez was not done with the piano. He is too little to sit on the bench all by himself, so I used my mommy brain and came up with a solution:

Ez playing the Piano from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

I was able to hear some lovely compositions by Ez while getting chores done, win/win if you ask me!

Enjoying some sunshine

After the boys’ second nap yesterday we took a walk down to one of the neighborhood playgrounds and enjoyed swinging and playing in the grass. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately.

Some pics of the fun:

I thought I was snapping a pic of Noah, when I inadvertently caught him making one of his favorite noises on camera:

MVI 5137 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Here’s Ez practicing his walking with daddy. He was totally happy about it until I whipped the camera out, so he is a little cranky in the video.

MVI 5136 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Photo Friday – 11.20.09

This is a special edition of photo Friday! Pics from Ethiopia, I know finally. I know you have been thinking, “gees they’ve been home 5 months, where’s the pics from their trip!”

New family!


Sleeping Noah


Me and a teeny tiny Ez




Happy Ez


Floor time


At the lion zoo, Ez refused to be in a carrier




Noah’s first time in my carrier

I put up all Matt’s photos in the gallery.  I need to find the ones that were taken with the little camera, must still be on the back-up drive.  We didn’t take nearly the photos we thought we would, the boys kept us busy!

One Year


My babies are now officially toddlers. I still can’t believe they are already one, the past five months have just flown by. They had their one year check-up at the doctor today and are healthy! Noah weighed in at 22 pounds and was 28.5 inches tall. Ezra weighed in at 21 pounds and is 28 inches tall. They got their first shot since being placed in our arms 🙁 . The doctor would have given them several more, but I don’t want to do too many at once and this shot was already a 3 in 1, so I thought it was more than enough.

They are doing so much these days and are getting very close to being into everything! Ezra crawls everywhere, he will even crawl in the dark, he isn’t scared of much. Noah is still trying to crawl, he mostly goes backwards with occasionally movement forward, he rolls around a lot more to get to things. It is nice seeing him have some initiative finally. I thought he was just going to sit there and expect me to bring him everything for the rest of his life 😉 .

Ezra stands unassisted now and for longer and longer periods of time. He even claps while standing, and occasionally tries to dance! Noah has pulled up a couple of times, but only on me or Matt, nothing else yet. I think it is because he hates to fall! He prefers to stay close to the ground.

They both clap now, all the time. It is pretty cute, they do it when they are excited or when the other brother does something they approve of. Noah plays peek-a-boo frequently and Ezra is finally starting to do it too.

There are a lot more smiles and giggles now, that makes it a ton of fun. Ezra is extremely ticklish, I mean extremely! Noah is ticklish too, but you have to work a lot harder to get giggles, but they are worth the extra work.

Ezra still has one tooth, but the second one will be here any day now. Noah seems to be working on his first one!

They self-weaned from their before bed bottle, which had the nice result of sleeping through the night most nights. They wake up when teething now, but they don’t need a bottle, just some love and either tylenol or teething tablets. They do wake up between 5 and 6:30 drink their morning bottle and then go back to sleep until at least 8, this is a nice change for us.

We are done with formula! They are happily drinking whole milk with no issues. I will next be transferring from bottles to sippy cups.

We feed them all sorts of table foods now, they usually like what we are eating for dinner and then they still eat their baby food. Last night they ate almost 2 pieces of pizza between them and then ate their food, I was a little shocked at how much they could put down!

They both say momma and dadda a lot. They do seem to have their twin language already. I swear they have conversations!

I am sad to say goodbye to the baby stage, but I am totally looking forward to this next year. They just keep getting more fun!

bday pics are UP!

check them all out. the boys were great models and made some awesome photos for us.

happy 1st birthday

Happy Birthday to Noah & Ezra!!!!

Just for fun, here are the photos of the boys at referral (February 10, 2009), and yesterday.







And the 7 minutes of cake mayhem. Some pretty entertaining moments in here .

The boys and their first cake

Happy first birthday boys!

Photo Friday – 11.13.09

I am gonna get you!
Hi Elmo!
Playing with new toys from Nana and Papa.
Trying blueberry pancakes, still not so sure about it.
Ez devouring his blueberry pancakes
Working so hard he needs two computers
When you only go backwards you get stuck
Hi mom
Drinking and riding
So I shouldn’t crawl over my brother to play the piano?
Great his already figured out how to climb on things to be taller

Fun at the park

Last week we went to the park for a play date with the fabulous Ms. S and her mom. I spent most of the time keeping the boys from eating an endless amount of sand, then thankfully the swings opened up!
No I wasn’t eating more I promise!
You really want me to stop eating sand?
One day soon they will be trying to climb this.

Swinging from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Their swing styles really shows their little personalities quite well. Notice how Ezra is leaning forward poised for action and Noah is leaning back enjoying being pushed by mom.

Photo Friday – 11.06.09

All ready for our nightly walk
All ready for our nightly walk
Looking Good
Looking Good
Feeding themselves!
Feeding themselves!
My lovely b-day flowers
My lovely b-day flowers
Trying so hard!
Trying so hard!
Love that smile
Love that smile
Ez out cold
Ez out cold
Trying to crawl gets you stuck in fun places
Trying to crawl gets you stuck in fun places
That's right I played in the dog water and mom and to strip me down
That's right I played in the dog water and mom and to strip me down
Such a cutie
Such a cutie
Button up!
Button up!
Abby grass is okay, I promise
Abby grass is okay, I promise
