When we went to Ethiopia we some how “lost” both camera chargers and a sd card. Matt replaced his camera charger right away, but forgot to order mine (I am a little scared of all the buttons on Matt’s camera, I am a point and shoot kind of girl). The battery finally died and he ordered one with priority shipping from Ebay, expecting it to be here in a couple of days, not realizing it was coming all the way from Israel! Well my charger finally arrived yesterday morning and I was able to take pictures again. Here are some pics from our afternoon:
Someone got up early from his nap so I made him help with folding and stuffing his diapers
Ezra taking his second super long nap of the day!
Sharing our favorite toy
Big smile for Dad!
Trying teething biscuits
Noah thought it was quite yummy!
Ezra preferred the highchair.
Wordless Wednesday
cousins first photo shoot.
So We have wanted to get some fun pics of the boys and their cousin abby. So I set up some hobo DIY style photo backdrop and lights from ikea. Here are some cute ones.
Insurance Update
Several of our faithful readers and friends have asked for an update. We are currently appealing the decision of our insurance provider. Ezra was actually declined for no diagnosis. Yes that is correct, NO DIAGNOSIS. We are appealing this decision because in our minds it is ludicrous. I am sure lots of babies are born every day with an undiagnosed health condition and their insurance picks them up no problem. In our minds he is being discriminated against because of potential health issues. He has tested negative twice for the medical issue they are assuming he has. Ezra and I are going in today to have more blood drawn to see if the elevated levels last time have gone down or to see if something else could be the cause. Please pray for the results.
We also learned that the state of Arizona has a law that requires children adopted or born be covered automatically for 31 days. We asked our provider why we were not given the 31 days and they told us they weren’t sure if it applied to us and would give us a decision in 30 days. We contacted the state insurance commissioner’s office and they couldn’t tell us much over the phone and they are currently running 6-9 months out for processing claims. I am assuming we will hear back from them in 9-12 months. Hopefully given the law we will at least be reimbursed for the money we have already paid to have them initially visit the doctor.
That’s all I can share for now. Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement and your prayers. We are truly thankful to have such a wonderful, supportive community.
Let’s end this boring post with a cute pic!
Ezra sleeping in his exersaucer
Wordless Wednesday
8 months
Ezra and Noah are 8 months old today! Also tonight marks 4 weeks home. It is hard to believe we were landing at about this time 4 whole weeks ago! It has been great getting to know them over the last month and watch them grow.
The boys have been busy trying lots of new things. Both of them are sitting up now and that is the way they prefer to be, none of that lying on their tummies or backs anymore. Ezra can roll over, but doesn’t like to do it, and Noah has absolutely no interest in it.
They both push up great now, they weren’t doing that when we met them.
Both are very smiley and giggly. Ezra laughs out loud quite often. Noah loves to click his tongue. Ezra taught Noah how to blow juicy raspberries. Sometimes a bit too juicy. Both boys are playing a lot more. Last month toys were for us to play with them trying to entertain them. Now they play on their own a lot.
They have tried all sorts of new foods in the last month. They were only on formula just one month ago, now they are having three additional meals a day. Noah’s favorites are anything we feed him and Ezra’s are sweet potatoes and banana. Avocado is also a big hit, with its gooey green being smashed into our hair, nose and ears as the boys are very into wanting to help with the spoon.
All the animals are doing really well with having babies in the house.
Taffi really loves them
Last night was their first bath in the big tub together. 🙂
Fighting an unexpected battle
Before we left for Ethiopia I had sent off the application to add the boys to our health insurance. Given that they are dependents I figured they would be added or at the worst a pre-existing condition might be excluded for a year. Upon return we learned our health insurance provider wanted more info, so we paid out of pocket to get the necessary doctor appointments and blood test run. Ezra’s test came back and there was one health concern, but I showed the blood test to an international pediatrician and she said she sees this a lot in international adoptions, so I was not concerned. Much to our surprise our insurance is denying him coverage completely.
I am blogging this to ask for help, for prayers, for advice. Has anyone had a similar issue? How did you fight your battle? Did you win or lose? (We are on an individual plan because we are self-employed.) If you do not want to share your story in the comments section, please email me directly.
Happy 4th of July!
Happy Independence Day! We didn’t not celebrate the 4th in a traditional sense today. The boys cannot stay up late enough for fireworks and all the people we normally would BBQ with are out of town (we weren’t ready to throw our own BBQ yet), but we still had a great day.
Our 4th started out checking out all the water left behind from last night’s storm. My rain gauge had 1.5 inches in it, which for the desert is a ton!
The baby pool is now disgusting and full! It was clean and only had about 2 inches of water in it before.
Lake Miramar is full! (Lake Miramar is our neighborhood name for the retention basin down the street, it has very deep dry wells at the bottom too, so it is impressive when it fills)
After that, it was time to go to the Farmers’ Market!
As you can see it was met with great excitement.
Our bounty from the market. Most of this is to make more baby food. Look at those giant sweet potatoes, Ezra will be so happy!
Then we took naps, okay the boys did, Matt and I did stuff around the house. When nap time was over cousin Abby came over and we went swimming.
This is fun!
Dad and Noah
Mom and Ezra
Auntie Michelle and Abby
Noah really likes to lick towels, blankets, pretty much anything
Thanks to our neighbors who lent us their pool in their absence! It was a great day for swimming.
Wordless Wednesday
One Week Home
We have survived our first week home! The jet lag plus having two infants made for a challenging week, but thankfully we had lots of help and lots of food. Here are some highlights from the first week, sorry I am sure more happened but I cannot remember all that much!
- The first doctor appointments went well. We came home with NO ear infections and Giardia does not seem to be present.
- I overheard Matt telling his mom that cloth diapering is just as easy as disposables. 🙂
Drying some on the line right now
- The boys are super chatty and giggly.
- Noah is super close to sitting up.
- Ezra loves to sing.
- Noah loves to jump in the jumper. seriously. he jumped over an hour today (video proof of the fun).
- We have tried rice cereal and sweet potatoes. Ezra doesn’t like the cereal, but the sweet potatoes are yummy.
- Matt is amazing with the boys, he was so worried before, but it seems to come natural to him.
- The animals are all adjusting well, yes even Tank.
My Handsome Guys
We received more pictures of our boys today. Thanks to Stefany for taking them! We are so happy and extremely lucky that CHI started allowing traveling families to take pictures for families waiting to travel. We have been able to see the boys grow and are thankful to everyone who took pictures for us. You all are a tremendous blessing!
Look who’s not crying!
I added the rest of the pics to the photo gallery.
Good News All Around
First, Congratulations to Gregg and Meg, Sam officially became their son today and he is adorable.
Second, Abby made it to the 3rd and final round of Baby Idol! Please keep voting for her!
Matt took this adorable shot and is very excited to see her make it so far. It doesn’t hurt that she is just so freakin’ cute!
Third, Our visa appointment was confirmed for June 11. We leave June 6! We are so excited to finally be leaving and super excited to meet those two cute little boys of ours! We will be back home to begin our new life together June 16!!!
New Pics of Noah & Ezra
thanks to John and April for taking new photos of our boys. We are always excited to see them!

Anyone else noticing a trend here? Ezra is not usually a happy camper. You can tell he was crying, and in all the other pics John & April sent he is crying. While Noah is cool as a cucumber. im sure once Ezra is held more, and grows up a bit he will settle down. Otherwise maybe he and our niece Abby can exchange tips on being crabby (im kidding, abby isnt that crabby, sometimes she’s quite giggly and happy)
Noah & Ezra!
Introducing Noah Esrael and Ezra Yakob born on November 14, 2008!
Ezra is on the left, Noah on the right. Angie was so sweet to take this video for us when she was there!
Here are their referral photos taken February 10, 2009:
Ezra Yakob
Noah Esrael
I am sensing a theme in their daily lives, two different families traveling weeks apart have both sent me this scene:
Ezra crying and Noah giving him a look
Lots more pictures in the photo gallery!