Yes I realize it has been almost a month since their birthday and I am just getting around to doing a post.  We finally did their two year check-up this week and they are normal, curious, healthy two year olds according to our doctor.  What can I say they keep me busy!  🙂  They are so much fun, I really enjoy them a lot.  Yes they have their moments, they are two year olds after all, but I have my moments too.

They talk all the time now and try to copy almost everything you say. Â It is a lot of fun watching their language develop. Â Some favorite phrases and words: Â help you (which means help me), help with that (either they want to help you or they want help with something), no barking, side (inside and outside), more milk (pretty much more of anything), moof please (move please), slippery, knock knock who’s there, beep beep, up you (Ezra’s version of hold you), and many, many more.

When they wake up they just starting shouting words they know and listing out all their favorite people. Â They usually wake up happy and chat with each other for a bit before I go in and get them.

They are starting to wrestle more and they tickle each other. Â They love to run around the house and shout “boo” at each other or anyone else who is present. Â Playing outside is still our favorite activity, swinging, riding our trikes, the sandbox, and mowing are all awesome. Â They love books and are now starting to say words at appropriate times. Â Noah will read books to you and even say some of the words in the book he is reading.

Ezra is currently scared of real trains, but loves choo choos. Â They like Thomas items and like to watch the show with Papa.

Ezra has all his teeth except for his two year molars, Noah still has a couple more he is working on, but we are almost all done with teething!

Noah started jumping months ago and Ezra recently figured it out. They are both working on somersaults right now, Ezra can do them more consistently then Noah. They run everywhere now, and are becoming expert climbers. They are finally figuring out the steering on their trikes, they just scoot around on them though still a little too short for the peddles.

Noah loves to help, if we are ever working on something he wants to do it too. He even cleans up if he makes a mess. He is a cuddler and loves to be tickled. He loves to take care of Ezra, but will also boss Ezra around. Once he sets his mind to something it must be done.

Ezra is more of an independent, free spirit and loves to try new things (read: dare devil). He is shy in new situations and meeting new people, but if he knows the majority of the people in the room he is fine. He can sit for long periods of time and play legos quietly.

They eat okay right now, they are a little picky at times, but overall do pretty good. Â There isn’t a lot of vegetables they like to eat, but they are really good fruit, carb, and dairy eaters. Â They occasionally eat meat. Â I try to just fix what we want for dinner and hope they will eat some. Â I make sure there is some bread, fruit, or other side that I know they will eat.