Wordless Wednesday – 09.29.2010
Photo Friday – 09.24.2010
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Quiet play
The boys don’t really play quiet all that often, but they have been engaging in more quiet play activities. I just might be loving it. It doesn’t last for a super long time, but does add a nice break or two in our day. Their current favorites are Mr. Potato Head and Puzzles.
Wordless Wednesday – 09.22.2010
Pizza, Banana, it’s all the same
MVI 9282 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Mommy’s Little Helpers

The boys have really been into helping lately, and while it is often more of a hinderance than a help, I don’t mind one bit because they are trying their hardest. Here’s a few of the things they’ve done lately:
Ezra cleaned up all the clothes, toys, hangers on their bedroom floor and put them in the hamper. (never mind that some of those things don’t go in the hamper, or that most of those clothes were clean clothes they removed from their closet, and part of it was the basket of clean diapers)
Noah set the table yesterday for their breakfast. He place both bowls of oatmeal on the table all by himself with no prompting from me. He also cleared the dishes and put them in the sink. (at lunch he decided to dump the remaining food in the middle of the kitchen floor for the dog)
The above picture shows Ez feeding Noah. They have both really been into offering each other bites. (doesn’t matter that the food often ends up on the floor, table, and themselves)
Ezra recently spit out some ibuprofen I gave him. I handed him a rag and told him to clean it up, both boys then proceeded to scrub the kitchen floor. All the while Noah was warning everyone the floor was slippery.
They both frequently bring each other their sippy cups, often figuring out that is what was needed before mommy.
I am sure they would do so much more if their mommy would let them!
Car Wash
Matt wanted to wash the car this weekend and I offered for the boys and I to “help.” He knew we wouldn’t be a help, but was happy to have fun with the boys while getting something done.
Photo Friday – 09.10.2010
Pushing my Buttons
Tonight at dinner I had about had it with the boys’ behavior. I finally turned to Ez and said, “are you trying to push all my buttons?” He then started making electronic button noises and pointing in the air like he was pushing buttons.
(I know not my best parenting moment, but it was too cute not to pass along)
Wordless Wednesday – 09.08.2010
Ezra does the laundry
He unloaded the washer all by himself, my husband grabbed the camera when he was just about finished. He then decided to start a new load. 🙂
Doing the laundry from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Photo Friday – 09.03.2010
Yes I am late again, we had another fun filled Friday morning with another refusal to take our entire nap.
Pop. Pop. Pop.
Bubble Wrap Fun from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.