what happens on the rare occasion that mom gets to use the bathroom all by herself.

Yes I realize it is Sunday, but Friday was busy and some people refused their nap!
We are working on the boys saying excuse me after they burp. When they burp we simply prompt them to say “excuse me.” Ezra says something that sorta sounds like excuse me. Noah on the other hand pats his chest and says what clearly sounds like “mommy.” Guess he is already blaming me? π
My little guys are not wanting to be little anymore. They try so hard to do everything on their own. The new desire for independence is bittersweet. Hooray I don’t have to do everything for them, but oh is it so hard to wait and watch them do the little things for themselves! It can be a little bit frustrating. They don’t have the words to express what they want and the tantrums can be often and looooong. I am also struggle with finding the balance between pushing them to grow-up too fast and letting them grow-up at their speed without getting in the way. I often think they are not capable of doing something, but it turns out they are.
They currently would prefer to drink out of regular cups, no sippy cups please! I decided they can have regular cups at the table. They decided that they should start sticking their forks and then their food into the cups. Took the cups away after the appropriate warnings and full fledged tantrums erupted and no dinner was eaten. π They do a great job of drinking out of the cups. I am hoping once the novelty has worn off it will go smoother.
As noted in a previous post Noah is starting to have opinions about what he wears. Last night he was screaming for 15 minutes. Turns out he wanted to wear a red shirt instead of the green shirt daddy put on him. How did we figure that one out? I started un-packing their suitcase and he found a red shirt and held it up to me. I think we will work on re-organizing their clothes this weekend so they can find what they want more easily.
Thinking about potty training. Yea I am shocked about that too! I was thinking I had a year until I seriously considered it, but the boys are letting me know when they have pooped. Noah flat out refuses to go sitting down. Every time on the trip when he had to go, he would arch his back, scream, and try to get out of his seat. We would stop and he would go with in 5 minutes. He KNOWS when he has to go. Ezra I am not so sure about, he will let me know after the fact that he needs a diaper change. He also didn’t go in his car seat once and waited until we stopped, not sure if it was a coincidence or he just wasn’t as vocal. Currently I am just working on the words, because if they can’t use the words to tell me it will be much more difficult. I read an article recently about potty training boot-camp style at two years, I figured I would do it in January (after all the holiday craziness), but I am trying to feel it out and if the boys are ready sooner I will be doing it sooner.
I am continually amazed at how fast they grow-up!
Remember last wordless wednesday where it appears the boys are dancing on the table. Here’s what they were really doing.
Swinging light from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Happy it’s raining! from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
Saturday after dinner, we looked outside and it started to rain. Β The boys got super excited so we headed out to play in the rain. Β We haven’t seen any really good rains yet this monsoon season, but this one was nice and really cooled the evening off.
The boys gave up baby bottles quite a while ago. Recently they discovered their daddy’s blue camelbak bottle. They loved it so much they were constantly fighting over it.
Here is the beloved item:
A couple of weekends ago their daddy decided to take them to the bike store to buy their own. Matt said he couldn’t even get out the store with them needing them. π
Holding them in the car. I know Noah doesn’t look happy, but he was!
Sorry that was is a bit blurry. Matt said Ez was giggling away and then dead silence. Out cold clutching his bottle. (don’t worry Matt was safe, the picture was taken at a red light)
The boys love drinking their water out of their big kid bottles. Β π