Photo Friday – 07.23.2010

Discovered he could put his sippy in a cup to drink like a big person.
Then showed his brother how.
He was not happy about walking into the roof run-off.
Getting a little dirty.
Mowing in the rain.
Nope not a good idea to turn the pool upside down to let it finish draining.
Dancing on the scale, no he does not weight just 20 pounds.
Not proper slide form.
Noah giving Ez a little shove.
Silly face.
Mom was concentrating too hard on something else.
I was wiping the table and he wanted to do it.
"Decorating" the cactus with rocks and other natural items.

Photo Friday – 07.16.2010

Noah doing the mopping

Yes he is a big Geordi La Forge fan.

and so is Noah.


Yep another uh-oh

At least he is cute.

Cooking legos

The cooking needed some bling.

I have hands.


Still Spinning!

I couldn't open this, he offered to use his muscles.

Passing something back to his brother.

This game could go on all day!

I am pretty sure he walked better in my heels than I do.

Game time.

Hello! How are you. (yes we are teaching them proper phone manners)


Ezra has become quiet attached to the little giraffe his Aunt Julie gave him for his first birthday. So much so that he wants Noah’s too. He will carry both around if I let him.

He loves to suck on giraffey’s nose and does this or a combination of thumb sucking/giraffe sucking when he goes to sleep.

He cuddles so much with giraffey that when Ez wakes up with a bloody nose . . .

so does giraffey.

I am happy to report that I successfully washed giraffey and he no longer has a bloody nose.

Photo Friday – 07.09.2010

Ez πŸ™‚

Horsey rides!

Ez's turn!

Bad morning πŸ™

Playing with Paul

Scooting with Annie.

Move over Paul!

Refusing to sleep on a long ride home.

Noah refused too.

He shouldn't be able to do that, yea we tightened his straps up immediately!

Hot Wheels Time

Remember all the way back in October of 2008 when Matt excitedly bought some hot wheels? He couldn’t wait to play with them with our kids. At the time we were still anxiously awaiting a referral and would wait 4 more months.

Well almost 2 years later he finally broke out those hot wheels. The boys were super excited, but Ezra was beside himself with excitement. I wish we would have thought to get the camera out sooner. He just ran around screaming and squealing with delight.

Here is a video after he calmed down:

excited for hot wheels from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Playing with dad:

MVI 8493 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Noah was a teething, clingy boy so you just hear him start to whine at the end of the second video. Here is a pic of how he looked:

Mad I wouldn't let him hold the camera

Photo Friday – 07.02.2010

Busy Texting

It's for you!


First swim of the summer.

His man-bag.


Cellphone and a drink, he's ready to drive.

My children are weird, it is HOT, why are blankets necessary?

Momma's shoes

Climbing in the toy box

That's it he is cooking dinner from now on!

Another helper, or someone who just wants to climb?

Water fun.

Noah figured out there are shelves in the cabinets

Ez had to give it a try.


Can you believe it? My babies graduated from the baby room at church. They are now in the toddler room. Which means they are starting to do crafts, sit at a table and have snack, and listen (hopefully) to a story. Here are some pics of their first crafts at church, crowns.

Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of two toddlers wearing crowns on their heads? Anyway after I stopped taking pictures they started taking the foam stickers off and trying to eat them. Sigh, the crowns are now safely in the trash.