Photo Friday – 05.21.2010

Popcorn deserves a cheer

Playing with frozen veggies is way better than eating cooked veggies

Do you like my hat?

Noah's new obsession, putting rocks places

Rocks in the dog water bowl

Rocks in my weeding bucket

Don't bug me I'm reading

He looks so grown up to me in this picture. 🙁

Noah relaxing, Ez climbing

Cheese on my nose


Cleaning up

18 month check-up

The boys had their 18 month check-up yesterday. It was not a fun appointment. We had a blood draw, one vaccination (MMR), and a TB test. Ezra was stuck with three needles, Noah five (just couldn’t keep him still). Luckily for me daddy did the holding and I took the other baby for walks. The doctor thinks they look great and said we are doing something right. 😉

Noah is 33 inches (70th percentile) and 26 pounds (50th percentile). He gained about 1.5 pounds and 2 inches since his 15 month check-up.

Ezra is 31.5 inches (25th percentile, how does 1.5 inches make such a difference?) and 26 pounds (50th percentile). He gained 2 pounds and 1.5 inches since his 15 month check-up.

In their 18 month update I forgot a couple of things. They can both say Thank You and Baby. They also give high fives and blow kisses. The biggest NEW thing, wait for it, SLEEPING through the night! (hopefully I haven’t jinxed us by mentioning it to the world)

18 months!

My babies are 18 months old today. Unbelievable! Last year on this date we failed court for the second time, oh the heartache, but what a difference a year makes. They fill our lives with such joy!

They are very busy boys.  They love the outdoors, water, reading, making noise, dancing, music, and playing with mom and dad.

Currently they are really working on their vocabulary and try so hard to copy us.  Words they are saying:  dadda, momma, kitty (ez says key but I know what he means), door, shoe, bubba, dog, hi, hey, uh-oh.  Noah also says Ezra and has said Grandma, but refuses to now.  They also say nana for banana.

Noah and his wocket for his pocket.

Ezra dancing


shhh don’t tell him the book is upside down, he likes it that way

momma’s headband

he had to try it too

mmmm food

resting by the door

hockey time!

Noah has his hockey face on!

what you said don’t put my foot on the table?

don’t ask.

Letting go

Yesterday I decided to let go of control, the control I had because I still fed the boys their breakfast and lunch. I decided it was time they could feed themselves. They’ve been feeding themselves dinner for a long time and I had been resisting letting them feed themselves the rest of their meals. Today I decided to just rip the band-aid off and let them at it. Well they loved their new independence and did really great, plus ate plenty of food.

Here they are enjoying breakfast:

and lunch:

We were having so much fun with our new independence we decided to try out our booster seats and sit at the table for snack:

We also ate dinner this way. All four of us at the table, it was nice. 🙂 Plus not having high chairs in the kitchen frees up some space.

Never Be

Never be too busy to stop and take a moment with your child. There will always be dishes to wash and counters to wipe down, but these moments will soon just be memories and he will be grown.

Photo Friday – 05.07.2010

Ez in a basket and Noah's cheese face

Reading quietly by himself

Having fun riding their animals

Notice anything saved in the collar of his shirt?

One of these things is not like the others.

Sleepy Noah, it was 9:15 and his brother was not being quiet, slept for another 10 minutes with the light on

Taking full advantage of his brother sleeping, two sippies!

Photo Sunday – 05.02.2010


My little stunt rider
noah in a hat

Trying out daddy’s hat
the boys kicing the kitchen

Helping daddy fix their oven door

Starting them young

First popsicles (don’t let the face fool you, he loved it)

First splash pad experience


New haircut

Trying so hard to catch the water

He’s running so fast he is not even touching the ground!

Water fun from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Short video of Ez enjoying the water

Dancing at the splash pad from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

There was music nearby, so Ez just had to dance!

Officially Done

Nancy with the boys

We are done with the adoption process.  As part of the process we were required to have three post placement visits by our social worker.  (Technically we still have to send yearly report to Ethiopia, but I am not counting those as part of the process.)  We had our last visit last Friday and the report and several pictures will be off to Ethiopia shortly.  Post placement visits are easy, they just want to know where the kids are developmentally, what they are eating, what they like to do, and some things they like to play with.  They are also a chance for the parents to obtain any resource information they may need, have any questions answered, and hear from someone else that they haven’t totally screwed up their kids (yet).  We are happy to be done, but I will admit it does feel weird, when you start the process it feels never ending, and then all of the sudden you are done.


Yesterday we dedicated the boys at church. They looked super cute in their Ethiopian outfits.


The Family





As you can see the boys were a “little” interested in the stage behind us and all the instruments up there.

After church we came back to our house for a lunch and a little fun.

abby, ezra & ethan

Ezra and Ethan giggling together.



michelle & noah

Michelle attacking Noah

camera ezra

Ez with Grandpa’s camera

booty shakin’

For some reason, the boys really love to get down and dance, but only to specific songs. They do it pretty much on their own. Last night Beastie Boys came on the radio, and within seconds we had two booty shakin boys. They love almost every Beastie Boys song. Probably because its the only CD I have the car for emergency radio replacement.