I honestly never wanted my toddlers to watch much tv and had succeeded fairly well in this area. Most of the success was due to the fact that the boys could have cared less! I have tried in the past when I was a little tired or not feeling the best to get them to watch something, anything, but they wouldn’t.

How fast things change! They are suddenly addicted to the Wiggles (or Giggles as Noah calls them). Nana and Papa had purchased the video for our trip to Colorado and the boys watched it a few times there and never asked for it once we got home, so we put it away. Then one time they didn’t nap well and were cranky well before dinner time, so we put it in and it worked like a charm. They would ask for it every now and then after that, but not all the time. Well this past month I have caught three different bugs and have been sick more often than not and just plain tired. I have started to use the Wiggles to get little breaks throughout the day.

I feel slightly guilty because they have watched so much of it lately. Yes it is in short spurts 10-15 minutes, occasionally longer, and I truly love getting to rest a little bit, but I feel guilty.

I know this is just a temporary thing and soon I will be feeling better (I have to believe I am building up one heck of an immunity for the rest of the cold & flu season) and we will be back to reading lots of books, playing legos together, and spending most of our time outside. They beg for it several times a day now. 🙁 I don’t give in that often, but they do eventually wear me down. I think once I have my energy back will have to go through a Wiggles detox program.
The boys are ridiculously cute when the beg for it (see above pictures) and really participate in the video.
Rock-a-bye your bear from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.
wiggles from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.