While I was making breakfast yesterday, Ezra asked for a piece of the bell pepper I was chopping. They never actually eat bell peppers, but I keep trying so I gave it to him. He actually ate it this time and this is what he said, “I ate it momma, now I’m bigger enough to get coffee.”
They were turning their beds into slides during nap time.
The boys have started to fight and skip nap-time. I knew this day would come, but thought it would happen closer to age 4. They nap about half the time now. The skipping nap wouldn’t bother me so much if they weren’t so darn cranky! Plus they go to bed at 7 when they don’t nap and so don’t get to see daddy much in the evenings. Also it makes it really hard to get work done. I used to have a 2.5 to 3 hour block every day where I could rest, work, and prep dinner. Yep I was spoiled, and I am seriously struggling without that time. It is my least favorite transition so far, going from 2 naps to 1 was a cake walk compared to this.
In other bedroom related news, we got rid of their beds a couple of weeks ago. We weren’t too happy with the ones we bought, so we sold them. They had sharp, I mean sharp edges! Plus the drawers weren’t holding up very well. We are going to wait until they are read for bunk beds. Their room is really small with two separate beds in it.
Last weeks Mattress Mountain
I personally love this picture. On this particular day I hadn’t slept much the night before and was exhausted, so I went and laid down during nap. Knowing full well they weren’t sleeping, but they were happy, so I was okay with it. They made a mountain to climb and jump. Ezra is in the foreground doing flips, he was super proud how fast he could do them now since he had lots of practice.
One of my goals this year is to spend more time with the boys without any other distractions (for me, let’s face it almost anything is a distraction to a 3 year old). I decided to start taking a walk around the block with them every day, the walk can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. I don’t use my phone or having anything else to distract me, it’s just me and them. We’ve all enjoyed this so far. There are lots of rocks, dirt, trees, flowers, cars, and even a train or two to see! Yesterday the boys noticed someone had littered, “he made a mess, we need to clean it up.” I told them that we could take a bag next time we walked and clean up. We remembered our bag today and picked up some litter. They loved it. 🙂 I did use my phone today to snap a few pictures.
Two flowers!
Looking for a flower to pick.
Noah carrying his bag of trash, with a flower behind the ear.
Our New Year did not start the way we wanted. 🙁 New years eve started with Noah getting sick, just mommy and Ez getting to go to Abby’s party, then mommy ringing in the new year in Noah’s bed because he was feverish and just couldn’t stay comfy. Meanwhile daddy was starting to have fevers all on his own. By Monday all three boys were really sick and getting worse by Tuesday, so we finally went to the doctor. They all had strep throat, poor guys. Mommy only ended up with a mild case of bronchitis. Everyone was given antibiotics and we are finally on our way to enjoying the new year. It was one rough week to start it off though!
Mommy and Ez having fun at Abby’s party
Uh-oh, not a good sign
Poor Noah needed lots of snuggles.
Isn’t he cute when he sleeps? I know need to work on the finger sucking.
On the 22 we played and sang some Christmas carols. Nothing like trying to play the piano with a squirmy toddler on each side and a cat in your lap. We had fun though, even if Noah kept turn the pages of my music book in the middle of the song.
On the 23 we drove around and looked at lights. The boys had decided to skip nap and were out cold by 6:50 pm. They were a little upset when we got home and were unloading them out of the car, but they were right back out when we tucked them into bed. Bonus they slept all the way until 8 am!
We’ve still been doing our advent calendar, just don’t have pictures of monday or tuesday. Monday we went to the local frozen yogurt shop and tried the holiday flavored yogurt. It was eggnog and we put a little crushed candy cane on top. It was yummy! We had friends join us which was a lot of fun and then we took some to daddy at work. On Tuesday we read The Road to Bethlehem. It is an Ethiopian version of the nativity that I happened to buy before the boys came home (seeing the crazy prices now I’m glad I grabbed it up at a much more reasonable cost!) Wednesday we went on a family picnic at the park. It was nice to have lunch with daddy for once. 🙂
On this cold and gloomy day we let the boys have hot cocoa with marshmallows. They enjoyed it a lot. Noah’s main goal was just to get the marshmallows though and he ended up a little messy. 🙂
We went to watch our church’s living nativity Saturday night. The best part of any living nativity is the animals of course! This year there were three baby goats! The boys loved them, and the donkey, Ezra always loves the donkeys.
The boys had their first dentist appointment last month. It went really well. Daddy walked them through the process the night before, and they were excited to meet Dr. Karen. She showed them how to brush their teeth, did a quick exam and cleaning. Ezra seemed to enjoy the whole process. Noah was a little apprehensive when it was his turn to get in the chair, but he did it and no tears! They were super excited about their new light-up tooth brushes and that they got to pick out a treasure when they were all done.
We had a nice quiet Thanksgiving this year. We hosted for the first time and everything turned out great. We had lots of fun with Papa, Gamma, and Great Aunt Sherri.
The boys made pine cone turkeys the day before and when they saw me cooking the turkey, they went and cooked their pine cone turkeys in their kitchen.
We watched the Polar Express and nibbled on this yummy White Chocolate Peppermint popcorn bark. (Okay the boys watched about the first 45 minutes before the sugar kicked in and proceeded to run around spinning and jumping like crazy.)
We made gram cracker houses for day 14 of advent. We had some construction issues so they ended up looking more like bunkers, but fun was had and way too much sugar was consumed.
The finished product
Ez talking
Noah decorating or sampling?
Ez looking for something to decorate with
Putting the icing on, normally I’d let them help but no nap + fragile construction don’t mix